Generate points on primitives

Generate equidistant points on various AutoCAD primitives.

Access methods

8 Toolbar: Generate_32x32

8 Menu: ComputationalCAD † Generate points on primitives

7 Command entry: CC:POINTS:GENERATE


Select entity type <Lines, Texts, Circles, Ellipses, Arcs, Splines, 3dFaces, Polylines, ALL>:
<Lines>:        Generates equidistant points on lines.
<Texts>:        Reads the text property of a single line text and generates a point at the insertion point of the text
                     if the text is numerical.
<Circles>:      Generates
equidistant points on the perimeter of circles.
<Ellipses>:     Generates equidistant points on the perimeter of ellipses.
<Arcs>:         Generates equidistant points on the perimeter of arcs.
<Splines>:     Generates equidistant points on splines.
<3dFaces>:    Generates points at the vertices of 3d faces.
<Polylines>:   Generates equidistant points on linear 2d and 3d polylines.
<ALL>:           Generates points on all available entities. (default)
For all entity types except <Texts> and <3dFace>, the following dialog will be displayed:

Enter maximum subdivision distance or 0 for no subdivision:
Enter the maximum distance between two equidistant points generated on the specified entities. Expects a value greater than 0. Default is <1>.

Insert on layer [Current/specify Name] :
<Current>:     The points will lie on the current layer. (Default)
<specify Name>:          The following dialog is displayed:

  Specify layer name:
Enter the name of the layer the points shall be added to. If the layer does not exist, it will be generated.

Insert as block? <Yes, No> :
<Yes>:          The following dialog is displayed:

           Specify block name:
                     Enter the name of the block the points shall be added to. If the block does not exist, it will be generated.

<No>:            The points will be inserted in the model space. (Default)


On each entity, equidistant points are generated so that the distance between two points is not greater than the specified subdivision distance. Duplicate points will be eliminated. A zero subdivision distance does not affect <Texts> and <3dFaces> entities. For all other entities, it has the following effect:
<Lines> and <Splines>: points are generates at start and end points only.     
<Circles>, <Ellipses> and <Arcs>: points are generated at the center points only.    
<Polylines>: points are generates at each vertex of a polyline.



Figure 4: 107k 3dface entities


Figure 5: 54k corner vertices of above faces generated using the Generate points command