CDT command

Perform a 2d conforming Delaunay triangulation on a selection of triangulation points, constraints and boundaries.

Access methods

8 Toolbar: Triangulate_32x32 

8 Menu: ComputationalCAD † Triangulate

7 Command entry: CC:CDT


Select triangulation points:
Select the triangulation points. This is optional if constraints will be selected. Expects a selection of AutoCAD 3d point entities.

Select constraints:
Select the constraints. Optional if triangulation points have been selected. Expects a selection of non-overlapping AutoCAD 3d line entities. If lines have been selected, the following dialog occurs:

Number of feasible constraint violations:
Specify the number of feasible edge violations to stop the edge insertion iteration. Expects an integer greater or equal 0. Default is 0.

Select boundaries:
Select the boundaries (optional). Expects a selection of closed AutoCAD 2d polyline entities.

 [The triangulation starts.]

Insert on layer [Current/specify Name] :
<Current>:     The triangles will lie on the current layer. (Default)
<specify Name>:          The following dialog is displayed:

  Specify layer name:
Enter the name of the layer the triangles shall be added to. If the layer does not exist, it will be generated.

Insert as block? <Yes, No> :
<Yes>:          The following dialog is displayed:

           Specify block name:
                     Enter the name of the block the triangles shall be added to. If the block does not exist, it will be generated.

<No>:            The triangles will be inserted in the model space. (Default)


Please read the comments on the input data and the general restrictions.



Figure 37: Rendered view on a pure point data Delaunay triangulation of app. 54k points

Command line prompt:

Initial triangulation:


Initial triangulation points  : 54327

Initial constraints           : 0

Number of boundary regions    : 0

Initial boundary segments     : 0


Triangulation results


Invalid triangulation points  : 0

Invalid constraints/boundaries: 0

Degenerate triangles          : 0

Steiner points added          : 0

Iterations for conformity     : 0

Total triangulation points    : 54327

Total triangles created       : 107712

Total time elapsed            : 2234 ms




Figure 38: Wireframe view on a pure constraint Delaunay triangulation of app. 45k contour line constraints

Command line prompt:

Initial triangulation:


Initial triangulation points  : 0

Initial constraints           : 45347

Number of boundary regions    : 0

Initial boundary segments     : 0


Triangulation results


Invalid triangulation points  : 45073

Invalid constraints/boundaries: 2

Degenerate triangles          : 0

Steiner points added          : 17900

Iterations for conformity     : 13

Total triangulation points    : 63521

Total triangles created       : 126523

Total time elapsed            : 12460 ms