Export a STL format file

Writes 3dfaces in an ASCII or binary format STL file.

Access methods

8 Toolbar: Export_stl_32x32.png

8 Menu: ComputationalCAD † Export † Export to STL

7 Command entry: CC:IO:STLOUT

Dialog for ASCII format

Specify STL type [Binary/Ascii] <Binary>:     
Specify the STL format type.     
<Binary>:         Output format will be STL binary. (Default)         
<ASCII >:        Output format will be STL ASCII.           

Specify STL solid name <0>: 
Specify the name of the solid. Default is the layer name of the first selected face.

Dialog for binary format

Specify STL type [Binary/Ascii] <Binary>:     
Specify the STL format type.     
<Binary>:      Output format will be STL binary. (Default)           
<ASCII >:      Output format will be STL ASCII.  


Some elder STL formats may only accept positive coordinates. ComputationalCAD for AutoCAD accepts both positive and negative XYZ coordinates to write. However, you will be warned if negative coordinates have been detected during write.

ComputationalCAD for AutoCAD, the facet normal is always a unit vector pointing outwards from the solid object (“right hand rule”). ComputationalCAD for AutoCAD cant not write degenerate faces (i.e faces with collinear or identical vertices where a face normal can not be computed). You will be warned if inconsistent facet normals have been detected.

In binaly format STL, ComputationalCAD for AutoCAD automatically writes color information in VisCAM / SolidView format (RGB information in the attribute byte count, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_(file_format) ).

Coordinates always refer to the WCS.

Example command line output

Number of triangles written   : 126401

Number of degenerate triangles: 0

Has negative coordinates      : False

STL file in binary format written to
