Project points onto a surface

Project points onto a surface consisting of 3dface entities.

Access methods

8 Toolbar: Project_points_32x32

8 Menu: ComputationalCAD † Project points

7 Command entry: CC:POINTS:PROJECT


Select faces:
Select the 3dfaces defining the surface

Select points:
Select the points to project.

Specify projection direction [X/Y/Z/Ucs/2Points]:
Select the projection direction.
<X>:             The points are projected in global X-direction
<Y>:              The points are projected in global Y-direction.
<Z>:             The points are projected in global Z-direction. (default)
<Ucs>:          The points are projected in UCS z-direction.
<2Points>:     The points are projected in a user defined projection direction. The following dialog occurs:

           Specify first point
                     Select the first point of the projection direction.
           Specify second point
                     Select the second point of the projection direction.

Insert on layer [Current/by Face/by Point]:
Select the layer assignment for the projected points.
<Current>:     The projected points will be inserted on the current layer.
<by Face>:    The projected points will be inserted on the layer of the 3dface the point was projected onto. (default)
<by Point>:    The projected points will be inserted on the layer of the original point.

Delete original points [Yes/No]:
Specify if the original points shall be deleted.
<Yes>:          The original points will be erased.
<No>:            The original points will not be erased. (default)

Point to keep [Highest/Lowest]:
<Highest>:     The point with the highest z-coordinate is kept. (default)
<Lowest>:      The point with the lowest z-coordinate is kept.



Figure 11: 54k vertices (black) projected onto a surface consisting of 104k faces (not shown for clarity)