3d convex hull

Compute the 3d convex hull of a point cloud.

Access methods

8 Toolbar: Hull3d_32x32 

8 Menu: ComputationalCAD † 3d convex hull

7 Command entry: CC:HULL:3D


Select points:
Select at least four non-coplanar points for which to compute the 3d convex hull.


The 3d convex hull of a set of point encloses all points with minimal surface area. The computation of the 3d convex hull requires at least four non-coplanar points (for which the convex hull is a tetrahedron then).

hint   Use Generate points on primitives and Generate points on solids to generate input data.



Figure 45: 3d convex hull of 1000 random points in a cube (wireframe)


Figure 46: 3d convex hull of 1000 random point in a cube (rendered)

Command line prompt:

3d convex hull properties:


Number of vertices on hull: 140

Number of invalid vertices: 0

Number of faces on hull   : 276

Number of degenerate faces: 0

Hull surface area         : 2487444.0086

Hull volume               : 287626283.7002

Center of mass            : (2114.3216, 1094.4953, 0.0000)